
What is Gretchen Rossi’s Net Worth?

Gretchen Rossi is a former real estate agent and a reality television personality, who is best recognized for working as a cast member on the Real Housewives of Orange County.

Gretchen Rossi Wealth
Gretchen Rossi is looking great as ever, and has a net worth of 5000000 dollars. Remarkable!

Gretchen Rossi Wealth Stats: Salary, Net Worth, and More

Gretchen Rossi's net worth, salary and other interesting facts:

Gretchen Rossi Wealth Info
Net Worth$5 Million
Date of BirthOctober 30, 1978 (age 45 years)
Height5 Feet 4 Inches (1.65 m)


Gretchen Rossi started off her career by joining the cast of The Real Housewives of Orange County. Thus, she is recognized as an OC housewife.

Personal Life

After completing college studies, she worked into the then-thriving real estate industry; however, she has resigned working to look after her fiance named Jeff, who is an engineer and entrepreneur working full-time.