
Esther Williams Net Worth

Esther Williams net worth: Esther Williams was an American actress and competitive swimmer who had a net worth of $40 million at the time of her death in 2013. Esther Williams was born in Inglewood, California in August 1921 and passed away in June 2013. She held multiple records and was a member of Billy Rose’s Aquacade.

Esther Williams Wealth Stats: Salary, Net Worth, and More

Esther Williams' net worth, salary and other interesting facts:

Esther Williams Wealth Info
Net Worth$40 Million
Date of BirthAugust 8, 1921 - June 6, 2013 (age 91 years)
Height5 ft 8 in (1.73 m)
ProfessionActor, Businessperson, Swimmer

Inspirational Quotes by Esther Williams

I was the only swimmer in movies. Tarzan was long gone, and he couldn't have done them anyway; he could never have gotten into my bathing suit.

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Which Esther Williams do you want to hear about?

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Critics established a snobbery toward me.

Esther WilliamsEsther Williams Net Worth

I was 15, and the years of hard swimming had packed muscle on my frame and made me very strong. Not as strong as a football player, but strong enough to inflict heavy damage.

Esther WilliamsEsther Williams Net Worth

Clark Gable was the first to have called me a mermaid.

Esther WilliamsEsther Williams Net Worth